1. Story behind 'Kitsch Mandi'
It happened organically with the idea to create
entertainment that brought different age groups
together, and to create a pla orm that is outside
the structured gallery environment for young
ar sts to connect with their audiences in a casual
and fun environment.
2. Why the name 'Kitsch Mandi'?
We aren't really Kitsch at all, but the name was
3. A brief about Founders
Diva Ganeriwal and Laila Vaziralli are both from
Valley school in Bangalore which set their lives on
an alterna ve path right from a young age.
Diva studied Economics and Math in No ngham
and post that taught at Neev in Bangalore. She
takes care of the logis cs, media and sponsorship
for Kitsch Mandi.
Laila has been crea ve right from school. She
studied photography and art in London a er which
she came back to India. She worked on several
photo documentary projects as well as taught art.
She creates the concepts, curates the art and
decor and also doubles up as the in-house graphic
4. 'Wow' moments so far?
Right from rescuing a cow off a busy street on our
way to working in magical places like Goa and Ooty.
5. Ini al response from family and friends?
Very suppor ve and excited.
6. Challenges faced in entrepreneurial journey
so far?
Networking and sponsorship were the main
challenges. We are s ll learning how to approach
sponsors and figuring out what kind of brand
would be interested in associa ng with us.
Taxes and accounts are bitches. :)
7. How did you ini ally market 'Kitsch Mandi'?
Facebook and word of mouth. These channels are
s ll strong with us.
8. What does brand 'Kitsch Mandi' stand for?
We stand for experimental design, art, and music.
9. Three things you look for in your prospec ve
·Curiosity and excitement in the field of art and
·Ability to work independently
·Good communica on skills
10. Three Tips for aspiring entrepreneurs in this
·Don't over analyze and structure everything too
·Meet and talk to as many people as possible about
your idea
·Always be open to collabora on