Story behind 'Total Yoga'
Why the name ‘Total yoga’?
We envisioned a Yoga experience that was complete
and so we called it TOTAL YOGA. Also, we wanted a
name that was so easy that even non-English speaking
people around the world could relate to Total Yoga!
How do you define ‘Total Yoga’ as a Fashion
and Lifestyle brand ?
TOTAL YOGA is a Lifestyle Brand; as Yoga is soon
becoming a Lifestyle of choice for millions of people
the world over. In fact in the 5000 years of recorded
history of Mankind; never have there been so many
prac cing yogis as there are today!
Total Yoga is firstly a Yoga style and school; and as an
extension of that; we are a Lifestyle Fashion brand
catering to all that a modern day 'yogi' requires; from
Yoga retreats and workshops, Yogi brunches and treks
to Yoga mat bags and in the future; Yoga pants,
t-shirts and more.
What’s the story behind ‘Total Yoga’ ?
Neetu Singh (my wife) and I have been teaching Yoga
for over 10 years. A er living and working 7 years with
our Guru; we decided to launch Total Yoga on our own
and decided to set up Total Yoga in 2010 in Pune; a
new city for us. It was an adventure that was
extremely successful. The next challenge was to see
how we would do in a foreign country so we set up
in Singapore in 2011. In 2012 we launched in
Bangalore and in 2013 in New Delhi.
Who were all the founder(s) ?
Neetu Singh and I have been teaching Yoga for over 10
years. Neetu was a successfu beau cian and I, an
adver sing copywriter. We were drawn to Yoga and
Medita on and chose Yoga teaching as a career a
decade ago.
We started in Delhi and then moved to Dubai where I
became the CEO of Ar s c Yoga and was looking a er
a team of about 200 yoga teachers and the
non-teaching staff to run a business in India, UAE and
We have featured in several newspapers - I wrote a
column in Pune Mirror for a year; magazines and even
had a TV show about Yoga 10 years back.
Need gap you are fulfilling via ‘Total Yoga’ ?
Most young Indians are today feeling the stress at the
workplace and realize the need to be fit yet calm at
the same me. Yoga is the only solu on for this dual
need in modern man. Also, most people in corporate
India are chasing a rat race that will make them age
fast and lose Health. We find people in their 40's
coming and telling us that they wished they had
started yoga in their 20's. TOTAL YOGA caters to these
young people who will make yoga and medita on a
part of their growing, maturing and flowering process
in Life.
Wow' moments so far?
So many! I think the most sa sfying has been to get
youngsters into yoga class. Our average age is now
24-40 years whereas a decade ago the average age of
students used to be 40+. That means people are
making a change to their lives out of choice and not
compulsion because their doctor recommends yoga!