The Trusty Servant
Winchester College Society
73 Kingsgate Street
Winchester SO23 9PE
01962 621217
[email protected]
Web site:
Lorna Stoddart
Alex Roe (G, 72-75)
Deputy Director: Tamara Templer
Don Associate: Michael Wallis (also
Director of The Friends)
The Council
Nat Hone (F, 68-72)
Alex Roe (G, 72-75) –
Director of Win Coll Soc
Winston Ginsberg (I, 81-85)
Henry Knapman (B, 86-91 – Chairman
Caspar Uniacke (H, 86-91)
Guy Pascoe (I, 86-91)
David Hogan-Hern (Coll, 94-99)
Freddie Bjorn (H, 95-00)
Conrad Griffin (I, 04-09)
Dr Tim Hands – Headmaster
Lorna Stoddart – Director of Development
Tamara Templer –
Deputy Director of Development
Michael Wallis – Don Associate
and Director of The Friends
The Hon NHC Bruce (D, 34-39)
Professor HB Barlow FRS (I, 35-39)
Dr DH Malan (Coll, 35-40)
Major General HSR Watson CBE
(F, 36-41)
A Hanbury (K, 36-40)
JR Prince (Coll, 37-42)
DP Garnons Williams (F, 37-41)
Professor Sir Bryan Thwaites (C, 41-42)
Dr CH Aberg (E, 39-40)
JCP Boyes-Watson (D, 37-42)
From the Director Crown & Manor Club
The leading article of this edition
of The Trusty Servant sets out the
manner in which the academic side
of school life will carry on during
these strange times. Meanwhile, the
Support Departments continue to
function, in most cases remotely. I
would like to take this opportunity
to thank the Win Coll Soc team
for the seamless way in which they
have embraced working from home
which has allowed us to function at
pretty well full capacity. Fortunately,
our IT systems have held up very
satisfactorily and those of us of an
older generation, to whom such
things perhaps do not come naturally,
are having plenty of opportunity to
hone our typing skills.
We continue to send out regular
‘keeping connected’ emails, which
contain links to subjects we think
will be of interest. Please also monitor
our website for news.
As ever, we welcome constructive
feedback on all matters, as well as
news and information to be published
in The Trusty Servant.
This is my first session as Obituarist,
having taken over from Christopher
Van der Noot. There seem to be
rather a lot of entries in this edition:
I don’t think there is anything
sinister in this, although it is public
knowledge that Tim Brooke-Taylor
succumbed to COVID-19. Rather,
there was some expansion of the
school in the 20 years after the War
from 465 to 530 and this is beginning
to be reflected in the numbers of OWs
and former staff going to a Better
Finally, from time to time we receive
generous donations anonymously.
These are most welcome and on
behalf of Win Coll Soc I would like to
thank you, whoever you are. Clare Bryce-Smith reports: Few will
emerge from the current Covid-19
crisis unscathed, but Crown &
Manor caters largely for families who
will be disproportionately affected.
More will struggle; those struggling
before will be even harder hit as job
losses and pay freezes mount, the cost
of living increases and uncertainty
abounds. It is an especially precarious
future for the families of C&M boys.
Yet what the club offers has never
been more relevant. Parents
appreciate the club’s ethos:
‘enthusiastic staff” who organise
‘extra trips and activities’; ‘the
opportunity to learn’ and ‘to
become good, polite young men’ in
a ‘safe environment’; the ‘friendly
atmosphere and the discipline’.
Boys value the club experience. Little
is as enriching as a WinColl/C&M
summer camp which, according to
one boy, was ‘an action-packed fun
journey’. From initial impressions
(‘just like Hogwarts!’) to inspirational
lessons (‘the best ever’), new sports,
facilities and activities; no surprise
that ‘I was really sad to leave’.
C&M’s emphasis on mentoring
- a slow-burn process, where
relationships grow organically -
provides boys with positive role
models and stability. 75% of the boys
come from single-parent households
and many schools are too stretched
to provide more than the most basic
pastoral care. Hackney presents
considerable challenges - drugs, gangs
and knife crime to name but a few - so
the Club and its mentoring is needed
as never before.
Achievement verifies our value. Two
more boys joined Win Coll on full
bursaries; a four-year educational