(with basketball) scholarship to Salve
Regina University in Rhode Island; a
steady stream of professional football
Our superb facilities could easily be
offered to more boys but we would
need more staff - a significant cost.
Overcoming this bottleneck is our
present challenge. If you are able to
consider a donation, or would like
to visit the Club or get involved,
please contact Clare Bryce-Smith
([email protected])
Horris Hill
The Horris Hill Society and Horris
Hill Foundation were established in
2018 to reconnect alumni and support
the school. A number of events are
held during the year at the school,
in London and overseas, and there
is a biennial newsletter. Many Old
Wykehamists started their journey
at Horris Hill and the school is keen
to ensure all Old Boys are given the
opportunity to stay in touch and
also with each other. If you have
The Trusty Servant
not received any communication,
by email and/or post, over the
past couple of years and would like
to, please contact Molly Tollit at
society@horrishill so that you can
receive updates (you can of course
‘unsubscribe’ at any time).
Winchester College at War
The Winchester College at War
website www.winchestercollegeatwar.
com has been expanded and re-
launched. The site was created in
2014 and included biographies and
photographs of all those Wykehamists
killed in the First World War. Those
killed in World War Two were added
soon after.
The site has now been expanded
and includes biographies of all
Wykehamists known to have been
killed in the Crimea, in South Africa,
and in conflicts from the 18 th century
through to the 1990s.
In addition, the Service Rolls listing
all those who served in WW1 and
WW2 can now be seen on the website,
and service lists for South Africa and
the Crimea have been compiled from
our Registers and added to the site.
A ‘Died this Day’ link is another
new feature and the advanced search
Recent Win Coll Soc Events
New York Reunion: Phil Mooney reports: on Saturday 16 th
November 2019, we had successful turnout with 14 for
drinks, of whom 10 made it to dinner. The group seemed
excited to find time for another opportunity to meet and
advertising it might help to widen the circle. People can
reach out to me at this email if they want to be involved.
[email protected].
Phil Mooney (A, 05-10), Ludwig Kerck (A, 06-11),
Nicholas Religa (A, 10-15), Sam Sheridan (E, 04-09),
Sean Lew (F, 97-02), James Schoonmaker ( B, 06-11),
Sam Lawson (C, 03-08), Jia Jun Shaw (F, 14-16),
Rauf Islam (D, 06-10), Laurence Huang (G, 13-18),
Tzar Taraporvala (H, 12-17), Thomas MacThomas (C, 00-05),
Hugo Leong (A, 09-14), Imran Adeeyo (C, 08-13).
options hopefully allow one to see,
for example, how many died in a
particular year, or at a particular age,
or from a particular house. Please do
take a look.
The archivist, Suzanne Foster,
would be pleased to learn of any
OWs possibly missing from the site
or from anyone who has additional
information on any of those featured.
You can contact her at
[email protected].
War Cloister Angel Gate
The bronze guardian angels on War
Cloister gates were created by Arthur
Morgan (Director of Art School,
80–04) in 1998 to replace the originals
which had been stolen sometime in
the 1960s. For reasons he cannot
recall, he did not take a cast for
himself at the time and then it was
discovered his moulds had been lost
by the foundry. By courtesy of Win
Coll he has had new moulds made
so that he can at last have an angel
of his own. Casts can now be made
to order at £3,250, with 20% going
towards War Cloister. OWs interested
should contact Arthur Morgan direct:
[email protected].