Humfrey Charles Butters (K, 60-65):
died 6.9.2019. Brother-in-law of RW
Barklam, uncle of ACB. Exhibitioner;
Co Prae, Editor The Wykehamist,
Public School Handicap Rackets
Champion 1963, Rackets (capt)
1965, he was consistently the same
weight in stone as his age in years
throughout his time at Winchester: as
The Times reported ‘...the ponderous
Wykehamist, whom nature built on
generous lines, showed great staying
power’; Scholar New College 1965, 2
Cl, BA 1968, MA DPhil 1975; Fellow,
Harvard University Center for Italian
Renaissance Studies, Villa i Tatti,
Florence 1971-2 and 1979-80; history
lecturer, University of Warwick 1973,
senior Lecturer since 1996, Reader
in History since 2004; FRHistS 1998;
author of Governors and Government
in early sixteenth-century Florence
(1502-19) 1985, editor of Lorenzo de’
Medici, Lettere, VIII (1484-85) 2001 and
Lettere IX (1485-6) 2002. The biggest
recollections from all his students
were from the annual trip with his
class to Venice and past students
remember him as the very definition
of an inspirational teacher. Married
Professor Suzanne Brown, who died
in 2018.
Mark Wayne Hutchinson (B, 68‑72):
died 3.3.2020. St John’s College
Cambridge 1973-76, Engineering.
Moved to USA, where he pursued
a career for 22 years as a drilling
engineer in the Oil & Gas industry
and worked for Conoco Phillips,
Schlumberger and Baker Hughes.
In 1991 he won the Meritorious
Technical Achievement Award
from the Society of Petrophysicists
and Well Log Analysts for the
development of an industry-wide
test facility. His passion was to bring
quality and automation to drilling
data. Author of many articles and
held several innovative patents.
He enjoyed travel and culture, in
The Trusty Servant
particular music, and was a fine
conversationalist. Survived by his
partner Dr Bita Esmaeli.
Guy Halsall Howard (D, 70-75):
died 26.12.2019. RMA Sandhurst, 2lt
Blues & Royals 1977. After leaving
the Army in 1985, joined Merrill
Lynch then WI Carr on Japan equity
sales desk. In 1991 moved to Tokyo
with Warburgs, then Morgan Stanley
as a fund manager, finally returning
to London. Retired from the City
2014 to run Giffords Hall Vineyard
which had been purchased in 2004.
He and his wife reinstated a winery,
which now produces 40,000 bottles
a year, and built a successful wine
tourism business. Director WINEGB
and Chairman of the East Anglian
Vineyards Association, giving a
lot of time, skill and experience to
fellow vineyard owners. He was
also concerned about the welfare of
vineyard workers and the education
of the next generation. His vines were
his life, closely followed by country
pursuits. Married 1988 Linda Mcleod,
who survives him together with their
son and a daughter.
Timothy Alexander Morgan
(A, 84-89): died 7.11.2019.
Exhibitioner. Cambridge University
1990-93, double first in Modern
Languages. Baring Securities 1993-
7, based in Sao Paulo and London,
then emerging market equity trading
and sales for Goldman Sachs 1998-
2001; Managing Director and Head
of Capital Introduction at Goldman
Sachs International 2003-8, having
joined the team in 2001. In 2009
co-founded Buick Capital Partners,
which became Northern Lights
Alternative Advisors. His diagnosis
with a terminal illness at the age
of 43 gave him a reason to throw
himself into what really mattered. His
innate talents meant he succeeded at
anything he turned his mind to, but
his career achievements masked the
rebellious side of his nature nurtured
during his time at Win Coll. He
had a deep fascination for people,
the more idiosyncratic and peculiar
the better, and he loved quick-fire
repartee, of which he was a master.
An accomplished linguist, he enjoyed
sailing and was a keen musician
performing with his band ‘Crisis’
well after illness had taken its toll.
But above all he was a family man.
Married 2002 Hilary Skewes, who
survives him together with their son
and daughter.
Maximilian Charles Mark Saunders-
Stoner (G, 13-18): died 14.2.2020.
Tragically young. Max loved
Geography and spend a lot of time
in the Art department: Drew Travel
Scholarship and Print-Making Prize;
Swimming Team and played hockey.
Much of his time at Win Coll was
spent listening to and helping others
when they were struggling, but never
talking to anybody about his own
emotional struggles. His housemaster
David Yeomans recalls: ‘I remember
that Max had an innate sense of style,
he was loyal and supportive to all his
friends, he relished being outside in
the sunshine and had a warm and
winning smile’.
We are aware of the following deaths
which will be covered in the next issue of
The Trusty Servant:
Anthony Currie Fear (K, 50-55):
died 30.3.2020
Lawrence David Francis Hill
(H, 57-62): died 9.1.2020
John Arthur Ralph Westropp
(D, 63-67): died 20.3.2020
Hon John William Blackstock
Butterworth (C, 66-70):
died 16.12.2019
David Alexander Harrod (H, 68-73):
died 21.3.2020