The Tribe Report 4. The Change Management Issue | Page 22

“Monitoring and Mitigating Threats to Success” are iterative. They start at the beginning and continue throughout the process. They allow you to plan specific behaviors and actions, identify risks and limit any potential damage to the progression of the change. In short, they add a level of consistency to the change and help it succeed. TRIBE What effect does rotating leadership have on a Leaders need to drive the communications. company transformation? It can kill it. Every strategic change – and company transformation is certainly that – relies on someone championing and sponsoring the change. If that champion leaves, then you almost have to come to a dead halt and reassess the situation. There’s a process we built into the framework we call Vision Maintenance. It says every three months or so, you go through a very structured exercise that asks, “Are we still doing the right thing?” If you have new leadership, you need to take a big step back to make sure they’re as supportive as the original leaders and understand their role to help the company through a difficult time. GREGG TRIBE When undergoing an organizational change, why should a company seek out the help of a third party? GREGG Sometimes it’s simply because of resource constraints; but in a big strategic change, many times you need a third party who can be honest. In an employee/managerial relationship, workers may be less than forthcoming. When a third party is introduced, we can be honest and direct with everyone involved. We can be the magnets for the less-thangentle things that may happen during the course of the change. Once the change is over, we’re gone and the organization can heal. TAKEAWAY One way a third party helps the internal change process is by providing a level of honesty and directness sometimes missing between coworkers. 22 | TRIBE REPORT