The Trial Lawyer - The A List 2023 | Page 27

TikTok has created a new avenue to teach a new audience many advertisers struggle to reach . This group comprises ages 40 and under , particularly the younger generation , such as middle schoolers , high schoolers , and college students . To reach this group , you must consider where they spend their time and what they do . With this generation , we know they are spending their time on social media . So , market yourself there . I also quickly realized that this new audience is obsessed with learning about the law simply because it is impossible to avoid it in our modern society , and it affects everyone . People are drug into the law and forced to deal with it daily . So , how do we relay the law ’ s complexity and simplicity in a way the general public of TikTok will understand ? We answered this million-dollar question with a lot of trial and error . Figure out what works for you and does not , and run with what does . If you need clarification , know that your audience will be sure to tell you what they like and don ’ t . People want an understanding of the law , so if you use this platform to simplify such an important concept , you continue to extend the trustworthiness of you and your business .
Another critical factor in building your audience is entertainment . You must entertain if you want to be successful . People who feel entertained will continue to return . That makes TikTok different from TV commercials , radio , billboards , and printed magazines . Those are all great marketing tools ; however , people aren ’ t raving and raging for more because they ’ re usually not entertaining . Display yourself in a way that will lead your viewers to perceive you as enthusiastic , intelligent , and , most importantly , trustworthy .
There are an estimated 1.3 million lawyers in the United States , so what separates you from the others ? You will find your success in your uniqueness because God created only one of you . TikTok is a unique animal in marketing because it allows you , the creator , to reveal far more about yourself than any other media could . You get to show the inflections of your voice , gestures , and who you are . It is a display of your personality and , more importantly , a display of your uniqueness . Use this to your advantage when organically marketing because it costs nothing but your time and effort . If done correctly and consistently , the reward will far outweigh what you put in .
However , you should know this may not be a platform for you if you have low self-esteem and are subject to sensitivity due to criticism . People can be critical when you put yourself out there , but this comes with fame , so it is vital to surround yourself with optimistic , like-minded lawyers and support staff . It all circles back to the old team philosophy : Together , Each Achieve More . Now , if you are an individual that is not afraid of criticism , then you can embrace that to pair with your uniqueness . If you can recognize this wave and want to succeed , you must be prepared to ride it in its fullness .
The world teaches us to research to make sophisticated and educated decisions that benefit our families and us . People want to know just how skilled their lawyers are . They want to know about their success , education , and career . TikTok sparks people ’ s intellect which motivates them to investigate further . Suppose they see one video that grabs their attention , and you provide them with a host of information describing you and your business . This equates to a win-win formula because the viewer is satisfied with the entertainment and education you have provided , and you have connected with a potential client .
Marketing on TikTok also leads to word-of-mouth marketing , an old yet valuable marketing strategy . If people like what they see , especially on social media , whether it is because they find your content funny , entertaining , or informative , they will share it . You get people talking about you . Many people would like to become a household name , but how do you do it ? The best way to get into household discussions is to market yourself where you want to be a suggestion . The goal is to be the first person people think of when seeking legal advice . These discussions both subconsciously and consciously build familiarity with you and set a baseline of client-provider trust simply because they know who you are . I have found that when adults have legal problems , they discuss them at home . Marketing to even the younger people within the home opens the door for your name to enter the discussion . Fame really is fortune .
The main difference that separates TikTok from other forms of marketing is the rapidity of change . Trends are constantly coming in and going out , just like the law . Everyone may make their approach to TikTik , as there is no right or wrong way to do it . However , you should consider these things : Is there a specific field of law in which you specialize ? What is currently trending on TikTok ? What is the best way to relate my message to this trend ? Doing this requires both research and immense