The Trial Lawyer - The A List 2023 | Page 15

• Can injuries show up days after a car accident ?
• What is the most common injury in a car accident ?
• Why are you so sore after a car accident ?
• What happens physically after a car accident ?
• Should I go to hospital after a car accident ?
• Why am I so tired after a car accident ?
• How do you know if you have whiplash after a car accident ?
By covering an array of topics related to your practice area , you show potential clients that you understand your area well and can help them with their specific needs .
As you create content , you will have a knowledge hub that builds trust , drives traffic , and , hopefully , earns you new clients .

4 .

Use digital marketing tools
Your digital marketing is only as good as the data you have to inform your strategy . Without reliable data , you are ultimately guessing when it comes to what works or what will work for your audience .
Digital marketing tools provide a wealth of data to inform your strategy . Here are a few of the best :
• SEMRush – An SEO tool that allows you to find keywords , optimize your content , examine your backlink profile , spy on competitors , and so much more to improve your website ’ s SEO and traffic .
• Ahrefs – Similar to SEMRush , an SEO tool that helps you research keywords , analyze backlinks , and more to enable your site to generate more traffic .
• Yoast – A WordPress plugin that allows you to update SEO fields on your website , designate your social media open graph , and optimize your content to improve your website ’ s SEO and social media engagement .
• Screaming Frog – A website crawling tool to find technical issues , improve page performance , visualize your content hierarchy , and much more . This is a great tool for auditing your website on a regular basis .
I recommend using an SEO tool like SEMRush or Ahrefs to find the keywords your audience is using to find your services . This is a good way to get some ideas for your service pages or blog articles . Then you can optimize your content for these terms and improve your SEO .

5 .

Optimize your website for SEO keywords
SEO is all about Search . The terms ( i . e . “ keywords ”) users are searching for will be the main drivers of organic traffic to your law firm .
As stated , you can use SEO tools to find keywords , research your competitors ’ SEO strategies , and analyze backlinks to improve your SEO . But , there are a few essentials to consider :
• Titles – The title of your page or article . Choose a designated keyword for each page or article on your website and then optimize the title by using the target keyword and writing a title that effectively describes what the content is about .
• Description – The description of the page . Write a description that explains what the content is about and ideally includes your primary keyword or a closely related keyword .
• H1 heading – The “ title ” that is displayed to users on the page . Can be similar to your actual title and can ( but doesn ’ t have to ) contain your primary keyword .
• Internal links – Links from one page on your website to another . Adding internal , contextual links will help direct users to related content on your website .
• Body content – Limit your paragraphs to a few lines each to make sure they are easily read by users . Use your primary and related keywords naturally throughout your body content .
• H2 and H3 headings – The smaller headings on the page . These help organize the sections of your body content , making it easier for users to “ scan ” for information .
Follow these SEO best practices and you will have the foundation you need to start driving organic traffic to your website . There can be a learning curve with SEO , but once you get it , it can be a real winner for your law firm .

6 .

Employ inbound and outbound marketing strategies
SEO is considered an inbound marketing strategy because it doesn ’ t require outreach or direct intervention to attract users . But every good digital marketing plan has a mix of inbound and outbound tactics .
You don ’ t want to rely on a channel to attract new clients . Instead , consider using a combination of the following tactics :
Inbound marketing examples :
• Blog articles
• Video marketing
• Email campaigns
• Website chat
• Guest posting The A-List x 13