The Trial Lawyer - The A List 2023 | Page 14

Getting started :
Digital marketing enables your law firm to attract more traffic , generate more leads , and even convert more users into new clients . As the true “ hub ” of your law firm ’ s brand , your website is a powerful tool for marketing your business .
In 2022 , here are the top digital marketing strategies lawyers are using to drive marketing success .

1 .

Build your digital marketing framework
When it comes to marketing it can be tempting to “ just wing it ” to see what sticks . But this is a great way to waste a lot of time and money on ineffective strategies . Instead , your best bet is to build your digital marketing framework before you ever create a single page or touch SEO . In other words , you need a plan before you execute .
Here are a few questions you must answer before getting started :
1 . Who is your ideal client ? 2 . What types of services are they looking for ? 3 . What struggles have they had when it comes to finding these services ? 4 . What other options have they likely tried ? 5 . How is your law firm a solution to their struggles ? 6 . What market are you trying to reach ? 7 . What makes you different from other law firms ? 8 . Why is digital marketing essential for your business ? 9 . What results are you hoping to get from your digital marketing strategy ?
Answering these questions is critical because your answers will dictate your entire strategy – from the clients you hope to reach to the market you want to target to the content you need to create .
The effort you invest in this brainstorm session will ensure you have put thought into your marketing plan and aren ’ t just throwing spaghetti at the wall . You can begin your digital marketing confident that you know who your audience is , what they are looking for , and how you can appeal to their needs .
12 x The A-List

2 .

Create client-focused content
Remember question # 1 above ? Well , this step is all about creating content that ’ s tailored to your ideal client .
When creating content , you shouldn ’ t be copying the approach of your competitors . They may have a different audience , a different offering , and a different selling point . You need content that ’ s going to reel in the types of clients YOU want to work with .
For example , if you are a personal injury attorney in Santa Clarita , California , you should create content that speaks to your audience ’ s interests , struggles , and legal goals . To do this , you might talk about the steps to take if someone was injured in Santa Clarita and mention your involvement in the local community , as well as the resources that are available in the area .
• For your website , this means creating web pages and blog articles that achieve the following :
• Optimized for geo-specific keywords for your target market
• Highlights your connection to your local area
• Talks about the specific services you offer and how you can help your reader
• Communicates what makes your law firm special
• Enforces your understanding of the law in your state / area
Boilerplate content is boring and can be harmful to your digital marketing strategy . If you are going to create content , make sure it speaks to the types of people you want to attract . Add your law firm ’ s unique personality . And build trust with your audience by showcasing your experience in your area of law .

3 .

Turn your website into a knowledge hub
Similar to the point above , your content should ultimately turn your website into a knowledge hub around your area of practice . You want to present yourself as the authoritative source of information . In short , you want your local community to know that your firm is the one to go to in order to settle their specific legal woes .
Service pages are obviously needed , but your blog is what does a lot of the heavy lifting here . This is where you get to really showcase your expertise and understanding of your audience . For example , if you deal with auto accidents , you will want to write on topics like :