The Trial Lawyer - The A List 2023 | Page 16

Outbound marketing examples :
• TV ads
• Radio ads
• Networking
• Billboards
• Print ads
• Pay-per-click ( PPC ) ads like Google Ads or Facebook Ads
• Phone marketing
• Cold outreach
The goal is to have inbound marketing campaigns that passively attract traffic and leads to your business over time while employing outbound marketing campaigns to generate leads in a smaller period of time .
Outbound marketing can be a bit more expensive and “ disruptive ” ( ideally , without being invasive ) than inbound marketing , so it is smart to use a combination of both .

7 .

Integrate your website with client intake tools
So , let ’ s say you have employed a variety of digital marketing tactics and now have traffic coming to your website . How do you keep track of new leads and , eventually , new clients ?
Client Relationship Management ( CRM ) software is where it ’ s at . Tools like Zendesk , Salesforce , and Zoho offer a range of features to help you track , nurture , and convert the new contacts coming in from your digital marketing .
With CRM software , you can :
• Capture lead information , like name , address , email , and phone number
• Set automated follow-up messages and emails
• Share documents with new clients
• Track lead status and milestones
• Share access to other members of your company
• Store client data securely
• Access client information quickly and remotely
Having a slow lead form response time is one of the biggest issues law firms face today . Many law firms miss out on new clients simply because they forget to follow up or make mistakes during intake .
I highly recommend using a CRM tool so you never miss out on a lead , are able to automate follow-up , and have secure access to client information when and where you need it .

8 .

Reach more clients with content marketing
As mentioned earlier , great digital marketing relies on great content . But , you can ’ t take a “ set it and forget it ” approach to your content .
While SEO will help drive organic traffic to your content over time , there are many things you can do to get more eyes on your website . Here are a few ideas :
• Create videos to match your content topics and publish them on YouTube
• Conduct a Facebook Live video to reach a wider audience and link back to your content
• Add links to your top pages or articles in your email campaigns
• Re-share your content to Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , and LinkedIn
• Create TikTok videos that go viral and attract new visitors
• Write articles on other websites and link back to your site
• Tag other businesses on social media to get more views on your content
• Turn your articles into downloadable PDFs , ebooks , etc .
• Start a podcast or launch a webinar to attract your target audience
Know that content marketing doesn ’ t end there . There are near limitless ways to get more out of your content with content marketing . The idea is that you use different tactics to circulate your content across platforms , channels , and mediums .
Don ’ t be afraid to get creative – and re-share your content from time to time so you can get fresh eyes on old content .
Digital marketing is impactful for law firms
Due to the nuances of the legal field , marketing your law firm can be a bit challenging . However , at the foundation of every strategy is great and consistent content that speaks to your ideal audience . Check this box , and you can employ a variety of tactics to attract users to your website .
Want to increase traffic and organic leads ? Then digital marketing is where it ’ s at . Use your website to your advantage by investing in SEO , creating good content , using inbound and outbound marketing , and having a solid CRM tool to track your leads along the way .
14 x The A-List