Consumer Attorney Marketing Group enabled issue coverage by the following media : |
60 Minutes |
Dr . Phil |
Good Morning America |
Fox Business |
Al Jazeera |
Bloomberg |
BBC News |
Insurance Journal |
New York Post |
The Mercury News |
Daily Beast |
Yahoo News |
Breitbart News |
The Washington Post |
Complex |
Gizmodo |
NBC News |
Business Insider |
Newsday |
Newsmax |
USA Today |
Reuters |
CBS News |
ABC News |
PC World |
Cumulative audience reach of potentially 8.43 billion and $ 117.62 million in equivalent ad value . |
CAMG helped to generate coverage for the law firm on national television programs , like Good Morning America , 60 Minutes , and the Dr . Phil show .
The extensive media coverage produces earned media for the attorneys interviewed and the law firms mentioned . The value of that earned media has a very real dollar value . That dollar value is equal to what your law firm would have to pay to promote its services for an equal amount of time on broadcast media or in an equal amount of print in publications .
In the case of social media marketing and media placements , CAMG enabled a law firm to get more than $ 117 in earned media coverage . That law firm also acquired 1,469 clients with a big assist from CAMG PR and marketing services . That client roster continues to grow .
The Magic Of Earned Media
Many personal injury and product liability lawsuits have been filed primarily against the owners of Facebook , Instagram , and other social media sites . Widespread media coverage is raising awareness of the problem among families throughout the United States . That rising awareness translates into greater demand for relevant legal services .
Earned media produces many benefits that , ultimately , result in more clients coming to your law firm ’ s door . Among the greatest benefits is the positive branding that earned media gives law firms and attorneys who are interviewed and mentioned . An attorney who is well-versed in a particular legal issue can provide details on the problem and why people should care .
Localizing Legal Matters Reaches More Relevant Publics
CAMG can cull through our master list of news outlets across the country and find the most relevant ones for pitching stories and media placements . Those pitches focus on the media that cover the same markets in which law firms provide their legal services .
For example , officials at the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry ( AACAP ) say about 90 percent of teens between ages 13 and 17 use social media . AACAP officials also say teens spend about nine hours online every day outside of any homework that might require them to use the internet . Such a high level of online use , including social media activity , creates many risks for teens and children . The AACAP says those risks include :
• Exposure to dangerous people and harmful or inappropriate content .
• Cyberbullying that leads to depression and suicide .
• Interfering with sleep , homework , and family activities .
• Privacy concerns , including identity theft and computer hacking .
• Oversharing of personal information .
Attorneys and law firms are ideal sources for localizing such studies and the potential negative impacts on local families . Your law firm can help to provide media with a better idea of how extensive a problem might be locally and mention real-world examples of the harm caused to members of local communities .
Our work on behalf of law firms that are engaged in the growing social media litigation has helped those attorneys to show local , real-world examples of the harm that social media is causing teens and children in their respective communities . The earned media is highly effective at reaching more people in the same local markets where those law firms practice law .
Earned Media Gives Online Marketing A Big Boost
Another great benefit of earned media is its effect on SEO marketing . A good example is the website for The Dr . Phil show also included a link to a law firm ’ s website as a source where people can learn more about social media litigation . That link to the law firm ’ s website is picked up by Google and other search engines , which then assess the link ’ s importance . When a highly visited site like that for Dr . Phil includes a link to a law firm ’ s website , Google rewards the
The Trial Lawyer x 29