The Trial Lawyer Spring 2023 | Page 29

Although AI is groundbreaking , it will not replace the human being . Some critics are concerned that artificial intelligence is going to take human jobs , but this is unlikely . AI doesn ’ t replace a human ’ s eyes , intellect , creativity , and judgment , but AI apps such as ChatGPT will allow you to perform many tasks much quicker and easier than before . For example , Chat GPT can write an article or generate content for your website in 15 to 30 seconds where it might take a writer 2 or 3 hours to complete the same task . In practice , you give it the key words and phrases that you want it to search for and it uses its “ intelligence ” to peruse reams of available internet data , and then quickly produce what it thinks is the best fit . AI enables you to create more content and do so more efficiently than you could working alone . While this is a huge potential time saver , in its raw form , the AI results have two distinct but correctable drawbacks : 1 ) It is not always factually correctbecause it is a machine , working with formulas , and words as raw data , and is limited to the data available to it on the internet and within a very recent time frame ; 2 ) The raw results could contain plagiarized material , because AI ’ s job is to search the internet for words / phrases / content that fits the parameters you ’ ve set , which could in fact , contain direct quotes from other internet sources . Fortunately , as indicated , these two drawbacks are easily correctable .
Human fact checks : In an abundance of caution , after you obtain your initial AI results , make sure a person performs a fact check to make sure that the information is correct since ChatGPT now only draws from Internet information posted as of January 2022 . If important information on your topic was posted prior to that date , it is unlikely to show up in your AI results . Thankfully , the new version of ChatGPT that should be coming out in the near future does not have this date limitation . Other AI apps such as Bard and Bing should also help overcome this drawback .
Plagiarism check : Secondly , you should check your AI results for inadvertent plagiarism . You can quickly and easily avoid plagiarism by running the results through a paraphraser or rephraser such as QuillBot . com or Copy . AI .
Current AI such as Chat GPT enables you to quickly and easily create a tremendous amount of relevant content and copy , thereby saving you and your marketing staff hours of time and effort . By using AI to produce quick initial drafts , and then adding a human review for fact checking , plagiarism protection , and any personal touches or tweaks , you will have quality results in a fraction of the time it would normally take you or your staff to produce the same amount of copy alone .
Here are just a few of the ways that you can use artificial intelligence to help run a more efficient law firm today :
• Use it to draft settlement demands .
• Use it to draft releases .
• Use it to create contracts and non-disclosure agreements for all your employees and non-competes for your staff .
• Use it to create reserve letters to insurance companies .
• Use it to create future lost wage analysis statements .
• Use it to create future medical bill assessments for clients with a permanent injury or disability rating .
• Use it to draft an employee manual for an employment lawyer to review .
• Combine AI with Offshore staff , to dramatically reduce your staffing costs .
We are just now discovering all the ways in which AI can improve a law firm ’ s marketing and management efforts . In the coming months and years , and as AI and all its different apps and applications continue to evolve , there will be a plethora of ways in which you can leverage AI to propel your firm ’ s marketing efforts and manage your firm more efficiently and effectively . Although AI will not replace people , it will make people more productive , and efficient . It will allow firms to provide better client service and it will improve law firm marketing efforts , saving firms both time and money .
The Key To Effective AI Use Is Understanding How To Frame The Inquiry : If you want to get the most out of AI at this stage of its development , the key is understating how to properly frame your AI inquiry , or “ prompts .” I encourage you to look for courses or presentations on how to create effective prompts so that you obtain the best AI information and results . Once you and / or your staff learn the proper way to ask for information , you will see tremendous results .
Artificial intelligence is for the business world , what the microchip was for the computer . We ’ re just hitting the tip of the iceberg . With Google and Microsoft doubling down on AI , its features and usefulness will only grow in the coming months and years . Don ’ t be left behind , as many lawyers were when the Internet first emerged . Instead , embrace AI , play with it , test it , and experiment with the different ways you can use it to grow and improve your law practice .
The Trial Lawyer x 27