As his hearing began to return, John couldn’t explain where he was. None of it seemed even remotely close to the environment in America, or in earth for that matter. As he got to his feet, he realized he still had the devise in his hand. He decided to take it along, not knowing if he will need it again. After walking for sometime, he had no idea where he was going. It seemed like the dense forest went on for miles and miles. Debating on whether to change directions, John finally saw a gap in the forest and headed for the light. When he reaches the end of the forest, He found himself on the edge of a cliff and was witnessing something he couldn’t believe was possible: Dinosaurs.
Big, gray dinosaurs were walking in a herd the size of about twenty. Each one rumbled the earth with every step they took. It was at this moment that everything became clear to him. He had been transported back into time, back into the Dinosaur Era. This seemed impossible to him and them he realized it was devise that brought him back into time. Their was no question on how he got here, but how is he going to get back to his time. John sat on the cliff edge and examined the devise, looking for a way of reactivating to or a way to make some use out of it. The only thing he could see on it was a tip of dial that seemed to measure something and a switch that seemed to be the activation lever. John flipped the switch but nothing happened. After studding the dial a little more, noticed that on it 0-1,499 was in the red zone, 1,50-3,999 was a shade of white and 4,000-6,000 was in the green. There was also a needle that was pointing in the direction of the white area. John sat there and thought about what this means when he heard a loud bang coming from his right; it was a volcano.
With the volcano erupting and so much black ash blasting from top, John knew the fate of this era was almost curtain. This made matters much worse now that he has less time to escape. Even if he did have time to get out, he still didn’t know how to work the stupid contraption in his hands. John had to get back to Colorado. He tried to think of a way but he found that the only thing that was on his mind was the volcano. He found himself staring at it, analyzing it, studding it. With each explosion, rocks and magma flew form the top of the mountain and smoke spewed from the opening. It went so high; you would think it was going into space. Then it hit him; measure dial, high, Colorado, the devise was a barometer.