It all made sense now. When he dropped it in the bank, it activated because Colorado is over 5,000 feet high and that is in the green. The reason way it is not working now is because he is at only 3,500 feet and that isn’t high enough. John had to reach an altitude of at least 4,000 before he could activate it. He thought of maybe climbing a tree, but he was never a really good climber and it would simply take too long. Then he thought about the volcano, thinking the unthinkable. He knew that the only way to get out of the dinosaur era was to climb the volcano to the required high and activate the teleportation devise.
The thought is not impossible. The volcano is about three-quarter miles from his location and he only needed to get 500 feet higher to make the devise work. So he ran to the volcano. John stayed in the forest area to avoid hostel dinosaurs. When he reached the tall, ridged mountain he first looked for a spot to begin his climb. He then found a flat area and became his climb. In about two minutes, he had already accomplished a hundred feet. He could feel the mountain of the volcano shake and he knew it was going to explode at any moment. When he reached the 500-foot mark he hit the lever and began his transport.
John could hear the wind and everything went numb and bright. He closed his eyes hoping the next time he opened this eyes, he would see his world and not this one. Then all at once, the wind stopped and the only thing he could hear was the alarm sound in the bank. He opened his eyes and saw the darkness of the bank room and all of the military equipment. John took a moment to take it all in when he heard a loud noise and footsteps to his left. Ten to twelve men in S.W.A.T uniforms surrounded him in an instant. One of them said to stay on the ground and show them his hands. As another officer put on the handcuffs, the only thing that was going though John’s head was, “I am so glad to see you guys”.