Short Story
As he opened his eyes, he could see wide, green trees that stretched up to the sky. He could hear a mysterious noise ringing in the air, but then he realized it was his hears that was causing the sound. He checked for blood but didn’t find any. As he sat up, the entire landscape was forest, huge ferns, bushes and more forest as far as the eye can see. He new one thing without a doubt, this was not home.
Backing it up a little, the man’s name was John. He was a convicted bank robber who only wanted to live a regular life. After his early years of poverty and depression, John mentored the wrong people and became a professional bank thief. He robbed countless banks and jewelry stores and eventually got himself a spot on America’s Most Wanted List at the age of twenty-nine. Because of his skill of entering and stealing without a trace, John was given an opportunity to retire from his life of thieving.
His job was located in Denver, Colorado and it was to steal a modern military science project that has abilities, which are unknown. As he prepared for the heist, he couldn’t help but wonder what the machine was. The only thing he knows is that it is located in the center of the facility. As he entered to enter the facility, he couldn’t help but get a bad feeling about this; a chilling, shaky, sweaty feeling that a bank robber shouldn’t feel before a heist. As he looked around, he saw many objects of warfare that he had never seen before. High-tech tanks, snipers, automatic rifles and full-metal armor surround the room like something you would see in a movie. When John saw the devise, he was on full alert. He had not seen any lasers or silent alarm thus far. He was within breathing distance when he grabbed the devise.
As he pulled it from its tri-pod, an alarm louder then a bullhorn went off and John bolted for the exit. When he turned the corner, his foot caught on the corner and he fell the ground. When the machine landed on the ground, it gave of a light that was so bright it lite up the room. As he reached his hand to grab it, everything went nib and he closed his eyes hoping what ever was happening to him would go fast and painless. He lost the sound of the alarm and only heard the sound of wind. Then all at once everything stopped and the world John was once in all has changed.