And you see it in their faces in a way
that neither they nor I can describe.
And at that moment, I get it. Nothing else matters. All of my bills and faxes and e-mails and quotas wash away
in a ?ood of His love and grace that
is so perfectly revealed in their faces.
At that moment, I want nothing more
than Christ. And while I far too often
forget that moment during the other
?fty-one weeks of the year, I so treasure that moment and its impact on
my relationship with Him. Thank You,
July 25 - 29
Castle Hills First Baptist Church
San Antonio, TX - www.castlehillsbaptist.org
Grace Point Church
San Antonio, TX - www.gracepoint.org
Lake Hills Church
Austin, TX - www.lhc.org
Parkhills Baptist Church
San Antonio, TX - www.parkhillsbc.org
Theme: The Main Thing
Matthew 22:35-37