The Tejas Pages 2005 | Page 12

June 9 - June 13 Shady Grove Church Grand Prairie, TX - Cypress Creek Grand Prairie, TX presence of Christ “Serving as Camp Pastor for Pre-Teen Camp July 5-8, 2005 at Camp Tejas has been the highlight of my year. Seeing fourth through sixth graders frolicking in the new pool, overcoming the climbing wall, and wrestling in the mud pit at the Rodeo Arena will forever be engraved in my memory. Experiencing the presence of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit as we worshipped in the Marmax was a surreal and serendipitous moment. Praying with Angela, Heather, and Skyra as they received Christ as their Savior was a privilege this pastor wouldn’t take anything in all the world for. I thank God for a place called Camp Tejas!” Mark A. Newton, Pastor - FBC San Marcos 12