The Technology Headlines DEMAND FORCASTING & AI | Page 30

THE 10 BEST ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY C O M PA N I E S HEADLINES TO WATCH IN 2019 iBot Control Systems One Platform, A Million Possibilities .......................................................................................... RAVI SUBRAMANYAM CEO, IBOT CONTROL SYSTEMS. A large volume of articles has always been written about how Internet of Things (IoT) is the tech trend of the future. Big tech giants and startup companies are trying to leverage the technology and get everything we use in our day-to-day lives connected. Though they draw strategies to leverage the technology, it would be of no use if the technology does not have connection with people. iBot Control Systems is one such company that enables connectivity between people, processes and things. Founded in 2011, based in Reno, Nevada, USA, iBot Control Systems is a high-tech research company that aims to help manufacturers of products, equipment, machinery and infrastructure to leverage the new age of connectivity to bring smarter devices. iBot Control Systems Inc. creates products for industry leaders and innovators who aim to disrupt their markets with connected products and IoT tech. The company integrates electronics, telecommunication, firmware, and cloud capabilities to develop connected processors. AUGUST 2019 Recognizing the need to build products and systems that are standard, iBot Control Systems leverages the expertise of an adept team that brings together their knowledge in the diverse engineering disciplines of electrical engineering, electronics engineering, sensor technology, wireless technology, mechanical engineering and software engineering to create an inclusive IoT platform. Through a combination of hardware and software, the iBot platform allows a plug and play IOT sub-system, enabling manufacturers and consumer-focused businesses to create a connected product. iBot’s USP is to be able to deliver an end-to-end solution right from sensorization, device engineering all the way to business apps and integration into SAP and other ERP systems and finally AI, ML and Analytics on the cloud to deliver next gen business insights. iBot Control Systems connect even current generation machines to the machine internet or invent new connected machines. There is a clear intersection between the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Companies need to be aware of the full potential of the IoT. If companies need to be aware of the full potential of the IoT, then IoT has to be merged with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies that advance rapidly. This allows “intelligent machines” to think for themselves and make decisions with full knowledge of cause and with minimal or no human intervention. IoT is about connecting machines and making use of the data generated from those machines. AI is about simulating intelligent behaviour in machines of all kinds. Clearly an overlap. As IoT devices will generate vast amount of data, then the AI will be functionally necessary to deal with these huge volumes if we’re to have any chance of making sense of the data. Data is only useful if it creates an action. The collection of these data does not benefit anyone unless there is a system of interpretation to understand them. That’s where the AI comes into play. To make data actionable, it needs to be supplemented with context and creativity. IoT and AI come together in this context, i.e. ‘connected intelligence’ and not just connected devices. iBot provides a wide range of IoT apps. Integrating AI into an application is not very different from developing an application; it is a hybrid of data engineering, data science, and software development tasks. “iBot is democratizing the Internet of your things” — Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft . Businesses are in the early stages of AI adoption and are still learning how to put the technology to work. Executives from all industries expect AI to be exceedingly important to their company’s success. 30