Your Prosperity Braid | Page 38



by Charlene SanJenko

A teaching about waterfalls

Let ’ s begin with a nature analogy about a waterfall and what we are invited to learn from it and with it in relation to our own prosperity .
How do waterfalls not run out of water ?
Waterfalls are some of the most mesmerizing sights in nature , but they ' re also some of the most misunderstood . For example , many people believe that waterfalls are powered by underground springs . However , most waterfalls are actually fed by rivers and streams . Water is constantly recycled , restored , and regenerated . The water cycle is a process of how water is constantly recycled .
Every day , water evaporates from the surface of the earth . It rises into the atmosphere , and it falls back down to the surface . As precipitation , it pulls in , rises up , flows back down . Some precipitation seeps into the ground , where it becomes groundwater . The rest runs off the surface of the earth into lakes , rivers , and oceans . The water from these bodies of water then evaporates , and the cycle starts all over again . So , how do waterfalls not run out of water ? The answer lies in the water cycle .
This is really important , and I want to repeat it : The answer lies in the water cycle , a complete round or series of occurrences . The flow of this cycle creates the abundant and prosperous flow of the waterfall . Water is constantly recycled , restored , and regenerated .