The Story of US #3 - October 2024 | Page 37


Maybe I ’ ll start with what I mean by ‘ soul-aligned expression ’. I believe that each of us is here in this lifetime for a very specific experience . I call it your soul-stamp , and how you express yourself feeds into that . It ’ s more than your purpose - it ’ s your calling ; the fire in your belly that fuels you . The closer and closer we get to align with our soul stamp ; the happier and more fulfilled we become .


So if you ' re not clear on what your purpose actually is , your purpose is to create space and get quiet and be patient . I think it doesn ' t have to be the big granddaddy vision or act of service . It ' s the way you show up and you speak to your barista in the morning . It ' s those moments that have such a big impact , and we often don ' t actually know the impact that we ' re having .
Shauna Moran Guest Host , Author , Speaker , Women ' s Leadership Impact
Amplification Coach


Can you tell us about your vision as it relates to SPEAK 2.0 in conjunction with a PowHERtalks Global Series ? What do you see as possible ? And what types of partnerships are you seeking at this time ?


The possibility that I see is to create a vehicle of empowerment , learning , on-stage experience , and media amplification that is truly transformative . Not just one piece , but a fly-wheel that encourage women to find clarity around their soul-stamp , experience the magic of interconnected genius , and build empowering relationships that increase our understanding , compassion , and impact across the globe . We ’ re currently exploring early interest from a number of countries - India , Dubai , Ireland , Scotland , Singapore , and more .
There are three types of partnerships that we ’ re looking for are : Academic & Association Intermediary Partners ; On-the-ground In-Community Connectors / International Catalysts ; Program Partners , Funders , and Brand Sponsors .
The SPEAK 2.0 Global Program is now open for registration by participants ; and we ’ ll be looking for train-the-trainer collaborators and program champions in 2025 who are interested to implement our work in alignment with your own work in the world !