The Story of US #3 - October 2024 | Page 39

Let ' s talk about the role of gravity in all of this . The role of gravity is simple . It ' s a force that pulls things towards the center of the earth . But how does it affect waterfalls ? Well , waterfalls occur where there is a decrease in elevation . This can be due to a variety of reasons , such as erosion or changes in landscape . When the water reaches an area of lower elevation , it has potential energy .
This potential energy is converted to kinetic energy . At the waterfalls , the kinetic energy causes the water to flow faster and creates the beautiful cascades that we all know and love . I ' m going to rephrase this slightly : When water reaches an area of readiness , as it feels easy and obvious , potential energy converts to actual physical or kinetic energy . Kinetic energy is movement . It ' s flow . And as long as there is a source of fresh water upstream , gravity naturally pulls it down through the waterfall to the pool below , replenishing the source .


Finally , let ' s talk about the role of friction . In a waterfall , friction is actually the force that opposes the relative motion - the kinetic motion - it opposes it . In other words , it ' s a force that purposely slows things down . And when it comes to waterfalls , friction plays a big role in how fast or how slow the water flows .
What if we considered friction to be guideposts or channels for focused flow ?
Friction can help build up force in certain areas at certain times , and then release more power as and when needed . Friction builds up inertia , energy , abundant potential power that is realized as you release the flow .

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