Click Here to Download “ The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program ” eBook by Christian Goodman
How Does the Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program Work ?
Generally , snoring is caused by blockage and narrowing of the breathing passage whether it is around the throat , nasal passages , or mouth . Due to this blockage , the soft tissues in the breathing passages begin to flap in the airflow – which is what causes the loud noises .
However , due to the different types of blockages depending on the position and magnitude of the blockage , snoring problems differ from person to person . Nevertheless , five common causes block airflow . This , in turn , results in five different types of snoring . Keep in mind , however , that one person may have one or more of these types of snoring .
The five different types of snoring include :
• Snoring associated with sleep apnea that is caused by the throat clamping down
• Snoring caused by the tongue falling into the throat when one is sleeping
• Congestion or narrowing around the nasal passages which blocks the airflow