The STATE of Golf Volume 8 -2021 Volume 8 - 2021 | Page 7

Starting in the 1995, Pat would start his final job in the industry at the MSU Golf Course. At this time, the golf indsutry was ripe for a boom and the golf course thrived under the direction of he and PGA Professional Blane Merritt. "During those days, I used to ask Pat what he needed to improve at the end of each year because golf was so popular and we were doing well."

Over the years, Pat became the only constant at the MSU Golf Course. He worked alongside 6 PGA Head Golf Professsionals, a handful of Assistant Superintendents and a number of faculty/staff from the PGA Golf Management program and Plants and Soil Sciences Department.

If you ask Pat today, he will tell you the most important people he worked were the student workers. As seen in this photo, he truly had a passion for teaching students how to effectively manage turfgrass. He was always patient and gracious with his time. When asked about what they learned from Sneed, many of the student workers always pointed to the way he treated people with respect and grace as his strongest attribute. These qualities are rare these days and Pat is one of the best!

He and Tina have relocated to Birmingham, Alabama to be near family. Upon departure, in typical Pat fashion, he said "I don't want an announcement or anything like that, just let me retire and move on." All of us who know Mr. Pat are better people and we will certainly miss him in Starkville!