The Standardbred Connection January 2016 | Page 15

What if you do not have a Standardbred model and you wish to show a Standardbred? Some Breyer models may be designed as a specific breed, and that model may also look like another breed. Be sure the model you choose has the confirmation and color of the breed you want to show. For instance, do not chose a buckskin quarter horse model to show as a Standardbred. I have the Breyer model horse GG Valentine and her foal Heartbreaker. When I saw the two for sale, I immediately noticed how the foal looked like a Standardbred foal. The foal, a colt, looks like my own Standardbred with his light bay coloring and two white feet. GG Valentine has German Independent Act and Solo Act breeding and was a top hunter horse, yet her sire (Breyer models: CC Valentine and Heartbreaker) and dam breeding are unknown. I knew I liked the two models and added them to my small col- be marked down. Most use a small makeup blush lection. They had confirmation that could also be brush to dust off the model right before the class. Standardbreds. Also in the halter division, there are sometimes classes such as: Non-equine animals (deer, cows At the model horse show, I offered the two models donkeys, etc.), color breeds, and collector’s class. to a young 4-H boy to show in the Thoroughbred/ A collector’s class could include: Foals, a group of Standardbred class, in his age group division. one breed, bays, or many more types. We named the foal, Independent Act after my own Standardbred. On the tag it had this name, as well Another division is performance classes. The as Colt, and Standardbred for the breed. Since classes are quite fun for someone who is crethe mare model was CC Valentine, we gave her a ative. A model is shown performing in what the Standardbred name for the class. We named her class designates. Examples are: Trail, westSolo Act after my horse’s dam. Yes, Solo Act is ern games, western pleasure, English pleasure, a chestnut, but for the class, it did not matter. On hunter/jumper, standing showmanship, costume, her white tag it read: Solo Act – Mare – Standard- creative scene, other performance, etc. “Other bred. So when the class was called, he walked Performance” includes dressage, polo, vaulting, up with his models and joined the other 9 models. racing, etc. Often, there is a class named, Open His sister asked to show one of my models and I Barn Scene. Creative scene is a lot of fun since, gave her my Foiled Again stablemate model. The anything goes! Google “model horse shows” to tag read: Foiled Again- Gelding- Standardbred. It see photos to get ideas. was exciting see that the Independent Act, Solo Act and Foiled Again models earned a 2nd, 3rd, A doll is not always required in performance classand 4th place. The other models were thorough- es. If a doll is needed, Breyer has them; they can breds. The kids earned ribbons. be purchased online or at your local tack shop In the Show Ring Before bringing them to the “show ring” each model has to be clean and free of any dust or fingerprints. Models with scratches, rubs (especially on the ear tips, hooves and tail), and yellowing, will where Breyer horses and accessories are sold. Judges will look at your performance set-up. At the November model horse show, the judge explained to a 4-H teenager the reason why she earned a 2nd place rather than a 1st place. Her performance was showing a model horse, in its western tack (no doll rider), trotting over ground poles on