The Standardbred Connection January 2016 | Page 14
Showing Standardbred
Breyer Model Horses
By Suzanne D’Ambrose
n November, I had the opportunity to have fun
showing my few model Breyer horses at a 4-H
Model Horse Show. It was held in Freehold,
New Jersey at the Monmouth County Ag Building. Like a live horse show, a model horse
show is designed for model horse collectors to
compete in events that are similar to a real horse
show. Most models are of the Breyer brand. There
are classes listed on the entry announcement, and
there are usually 2 divisions: Halter and Performance. The 4-H shows include age divisions also,
usually Cloverbud, junior, senior and adult. Adult,
non 4-H, model shows are more challenging, and
Many classes are breed specific in the halter
classes. The models are judged on confirmation
and quality, breed standards, color, and condition.
The judge(s) will call a class, as they do at a live
horse show. Each model horse is placed within a
“show ring” and the show ring is a designated table
top. Each model entered has a white tag, with a
string, attached to a back foot. The white tag has
the name of the horse, the sex, and the breed the
model represents.
The Breyer models featured on this page were part of
the Breyer Combined Driving display at the World
Equestrian Games 2010 in Lexington, Kentucky.