The Standardbred Connection January 2016 | Page 16

the ground. The wooden poles, that she made, and painted beautifully, were too close together. The judge explained that in a live horse show, the horse’s trotting gait would have problems trotting over the poles. Like in halter, your horse will have a tag with the horse’s name, sex, and breed. Some model shows require a 3 x 5 card next to the set-up that explains the performance, so the judges can read it and know what the set-up is showing. Again, feel free to use one of your model horses as a Standardbred in these classes. to keep the back up. It was a conversation piece for the 4-H kids to see before my class was called. Next, I printed out a tote board photo, I found on Google images, and glued it to the back. The cloud scrapbook paper you see next to it, was purchased at Michael’s craft store. I cut it to size, and glued it on. I also bought the fake grass there, and I bought some greens and the tree. The red flowers were from a silk flower stem I bought. I cut the branches and placed where I wanted to add the Creating the Scene I wanted to promote harness racing and entered in the Creative Scene class. After I was pinned with a first place, my judge gave me a suggestion to place it in “Other Performance” since no one ever does a harness racer. She loved seeing the harness racing performance in Creative Scene. So, how did I put my creative scene together? First, I went to Costco and got a box that I knew would be large enough to create my scene. I cut the box, knowing I would need something to keep the back standing up. So I used one of my own horse’s winner circle photos in a frame to place behind it 2015 marked the introduction of Foiled Again’s model.