The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine Issue 5 | Page 29

her family! woman? Share with us some tips. imagination… and I can dream pretty big. My success begins with a supportive spouse. My husband is a super hero in my eyes and he has always been faithful to encourage me in my career. We realize that balance is relative. When I get discouraged because my days do not look like the typical stay-at-home mother, he is always there to focus my attention on the fact that if I worked away from home, the children would see much less of me. What is your proudest/ greatest accomplishment to date in your business? Despite working full-time as a band director in a public school and growing his own business, he also assumes responsibility for bathing the children and doing the laundry so that I can work a few evenings a week. I also have set work hours. Recently, I hired a mother’s helper to come in for four hours a day twice a week. She helps with homeschooling the children and having them do their chores while I work undistracted. I tried finding time to work during the day but realized that the constant distractions were causing my work to take ten times as long as when I could work alone. Can you share with us and any parents who are considering starting a business what steps you took to start yours? Running a business is not easy and there are days when I want to walk away, but I have mentors who encourage me, a husband who supports me, a mother who is willing to serve me, and a dad who wants to know how much money I am making. They push me and I push forward harder. You must have amazingly supportive and positive people in your life. Yes, I have negative people in my life too. I just try not to listen to them because my purpose is not limited by someone else’s interpretation of me. God has a plan beyond my 29 I could point to accolades, mentions in the press, and other such awards, but I am happiest when I am serving those who are attempting to do the same thing that I am doing. My pride is seeing others succeed, and more than anything, I want mothers who want to work from home to realize that it truly is possible to have it all. Are there any takeaways that you have learned from the past year when it comes to how you want to run your business in the new year? With four active blogs and a network of thousands that I mentor, I have learned that I need a team. I made a list of what I could not do and what I did not want to do and hired competent people to take those tasks. Even though I feel I can do it all, I have to be willing to admit that I have limits and it is okay to ask for help. Are there any quick budgeting tips you can share with other special needs parents to plan for the New Y