The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine 2nd Issue | Page 7

Hot Dogs Are Not a Neutral Food Hot Dogs are Not a Neutral Food Foods either Support Good Health or contribute to sickness for your kids >>>Cindy Cohen W Back in 2009, BMC Cancer found “children who consume cured meats, like hotdogs and bacon, were 74% more likely to develop leukemia. It’s believed nitrites, which build up in cured and smoked meats, amplify cancer-risk.” hen my kids were little, I used to think there were some foods I could classify as neutral. You know--foods that are not that good but not really that bad for you either. For example, hotdogs. Everyone knows hotdogs are not on the healthy food list, but are they really that unhealthy? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has a thing or two to say about hotdogs, too. They recommend hotdogs come with a warning label related to the choking hazards--not because of their nutritional risks. Do you find it is as strange as I do that the AAP is more concerned with dying from choking than they are from dying from cancer? Just checking. The truth is , as much as we would like to think differently, foods are either healthy or unhealthy. There are no neutral foods. Let’s take a look at those hotdogs for a minute. On July 3, 2012, the Daily News reported that the 20-member panel of the Washington, D.C. based Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) made a powerful statement. That’s the short list of hotdog health hazards. A quick internet search will fill you in with dozens more. In my mind and I’m sure yours, too, this certainly moves hotdogs from the neutral list right over to the top of the super-unhealthynever-to -pass-my-kids-lips-again list.But wait a minute.... What about all those kid-friendly, yummy advertisements you see about healthy hotdogs? “We want to let people know that processed meats have been closely linked to colorectal cancer,” said PCRM’s Dr. Ulka Agarwal. In fact, PCRM thinks hotdogs are so unhealthy that they compare them to the same health danger as smoking cigarettes. You wouldn’t think of giving your 2 year old a cigarette, so maybe you should reconsider that hotdog.Oh, wait. There’s more. facebook 7 Food manufactures have discovered that if they put “healthy” advertising on the package that you will be so mesmerized that you will not notice what is in the package. twitter