The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine 2nd Issue | Page 6

Paul Murasko I am blessed to have a wife whose passion is to educate and advocate for Jacob and those with special needs. It seems like I am learning something new almost every day. The best advice I can give is to make sure you are actively involved in your child’s education. Don’t expect everything to go smoothly. Know your and your child’s rights, and remember if you don’t advocate for your child, no one will. I would also strongly encourage everyone to understand your health plan. Coverage for therapies in particular can be very complicated and costly. my first eight years of being Jacob’s dad is any indication, I can tell you I am in for an incredible ride and a journey of a lifetime! As the breadwinner for your family, how have you planned for the future of your child with special needs? We have created a special needs trust to ensure Jacob is taken care of when we are not there to help. I would encourage all parents of special needs children to begin having that conversation with their lawyer and financial advisor to ensure things are in order…because, as you know, you won’t always be there for your child. What advice can you give to other fathers of special needs children? Remember you are not alone out there. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, seek others who might be able to provide support and always be active and involved in your child’s activities. Being a father is one of the biggest responsibilities a man can have. No one should shy away from it. You will get much more back than you will ever give. If What goals or dreams do you see in the future for your child? Being involved in school and extracurricular activities, going to college, possibly ClemsonLIFE and being as independent as he can when he reaches adulthood. • Jacob’s Journal – My Journey Home When I first learned of my son’s diagnosis when I was four months pregnant, I knew that I wanted to document everything. Being a first-time mom and knowing that there was going to be a lot of medical information told to us, I decided I wanted to keep a journal. So I kept a journal, documenting all the different procedures, medicines and day-by-day events that lead up to my son’s first surgery at 16 days old. After we got home and a whole new routine of therapies and doctor visits took place I still kept my journal, well as best I could. So I decided I wanted to write a book to share our story with other parents who were given the news that their child will have a disability. This story is unique in the way I wrote it, since I chose to write it as if my son was telling the story. This story will take you on an incredible faith-filled journey as a family enters the world of having a child with special needs. Available on Amazon for $16.95 facebook The book is available on Amazon for $16.95 You may purchase this book through Amazon by clicking My Book 6 twitter