The Southwest Sun July, 2013 | Page 7

Eastern New Mexico University

Although we haven ’ t done anything with CKI ’ s preferred charities recently , we did do a spaghetti dinner last fall to raise money for our club , and part of the profits went to Eliminate . Being our second such dinner , we learned a lot . We learned that a better time is in spring , such as February , rather than November . We also learned that we should push community sales just as much as student ticket sales . The jazz band from ENMU is a big help to us , because live music always brings in more people . We are very excited to take what we have learned previously and apply it in future dinners . Although we haven ’ t done anything for our community this summer , we do have several project ideas for the next few weeks that we are trying to get line up , from planting trees around town to helping people clean up their homes . Things are also starting to fall into place for a large fundraiser event soon after the fall semester starts , and we will give more details on that when we get closer to the event .
Our members are excited and ready for officer training on the 20th , and can ’ t wait to see our friends from other clubs . We hope everyone is having a great summer !

Be on the lookout for more about Fall Rally in the August issue of the Southwest Sun !