Member Shout Out :
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Lieutenant Governor Updates
Hello Mighty Southwest ! Hope all is going well and your summers are as enjoyable as mine has been ! I ' ve been doing a lot of traveling and seeing family and friends , but enough about me ! The Zia division is doing good as they always are . UNM has been just as busy as always . In June , they helped the organization Crossroads for Women clean some of their storage facilities . They have been sending board representatives to attend Kiwanis and La Cueva High School Key Club meetings each week ! UNM also sent a few members to help at the Kiwanis Fishing Derby at Shady Lakes . The President , Kelsey Vishaway , attended LSSP in Vancouver and had a wonderful time building a playground for the Laurier School Annex . She did a great job representing the SWD as our only attendee to LSSP . Great Job Kelsey ! In July , UNM started the month with a bake sale to raise general funds . They will also be taking part in helping Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico make phone calls for donations of raffle prizes for their fashion show . UNM may also help with the event itself . Two members of UNM are attending KCON on July 27th ! Kelsey has also been a great help with assisting me in planning my CLE for New Mexico . She and UNM are also possibly planning a social for the attendes . ENMU has been visiting thier Kiwanis club and are in the process of planning a kickball tournament / fundrasier for the fall . Don ' t forget I will be hosting NM ' s CLE is JULY 20th in Albuquerque ! Yours in service and Friendship Katie Merrill Zia Division LT . G
The Baja Division ( as of now ) solely consists of a club at the University of Arizona . However , plans are in the works to re-charter Cochise Community College and plans are to establish a club at Pima Commuting College . In addition to these the Baja Division and the UofA ’ s Circle K are aiming towards making the University of Phoenix and South campuses satellite clubs , so they too can join our wonderful service organization .
The University of Arizona ’ s CKI is working diligently to set the foundation for yet another amazing fun-filled year full of Service , Fellowship , and Leadership . The club is making goals and plans , specifically in regards to Kiwanis Family Relations , membership growth and retention , and of course hours of service preformed both as individuals and as a club . UofA is also hoping for increased membership participation at district wide events , such as Fall Rally and District Convention .
The Baja Division and one of the Universities of Arizona ’ s major service partners is Beads of Courage . Beads of Courage is an artistic way to use beads within medicine to provide a support system for children that have serious illnesses , their families and their relatives , and even health care providers to ease the pain of these difficult times . If you and / or your club would like to know more information about Beads of Courage please feel free to reach out to any member of UofA CKI and by checking out the organizations website : www . beadsofcourage . org . In Service and Friendship , Miles Glick Baja Division Lieutenant Governor
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