Congratulations to immediate past Bulletin Editor , Elissia Torres for being recognized for as a distinguished officer at International Convention .
Hey SWD !
So as the new academic year is coming to a start within the next month , please be sure to educate your members about dues . Dues pay for your membership card , membership pin , membership certificate , and get you covered in insurance under Kiwanis as an official member of CKI !
By being an official member , you become a benefit to CKI by being eligible to serve as club , district , or even international officer ! You can also serve on one of the committees to take CKI to the next level . Since we do not want CKI to be a financial burden for anyone , fundraising is always the next best thing .
Bake sales , car washes , percentage nights at restaurants can all work to further assist the financial situation of your club . Another thing I would like to push is that your club should never be afraid to ask for help from the Kiwanians . Besides being awesome role models , they are also there to assist in any way they see fit . A fundraising guide has already been sent out to all the club Treasurers , but it will be sent out again to club Presidents as well . If anyone needs anything , just let me know .
-Enjoy the rest of your lovely summer !!!
Kevin Wright SWD CKI Treasurer
Serina Pack , Perla DeLosAngeles , and Andrew Lee have a safe trip to Leadership Academy ! While there soak in all that is happening and become stronger leaders !
Do you want an awesome CKI Tank or Shirt ? Check out what CNH has to offer : https :// www . facebook . com / e vents / 486921214661301 /
To those who are attending Kiwanis District
Convention : enjoy !
8 CKI < Southwest District > The Southwest Sun