The Southwest Sun July, 2013 | Page 4




Member Spotlight

Every month we will recognize ( a ) member ( s ) who have gone above and beyond in their Leadership , Fellowship , and Service skills throughout the District . This month we would like to recognize :
All Southwest District Members who continue to serve during the summer !
Thank you for your dedication to making our community a better place !
-Southwest District Board

International Convention

Circle K International Convention ( ICON ) was a wonderful experience ! From the people we met , food we ate , and things we did , ICON at Vancouver , BC was a fantastic experience ! After checking in , we quickly met up with Ryan Ocampo , our Subregion B Trustee and good friend . He took us to what became our favorite restaurant of the trip : Santouka Ramen ! I ordered a spicy broth , called Kara Miso , with springy ramen noodles , savory pork , and perfectly cooked egg with a side of fatty and savory pork with green onions over rice . We ended up coming back for dinner on our last day there , with our new Cal-Nev-Ha friends !
We then explored the exhibition hall , where Alex showed off her Southwest spirit in a chili costume ! Later , I duked it out with Shivam Patel , the New Jersey Governor , in his Tomato Costume . And at roll Call , Alex stood on a chair and danced around with our Subregion during our District Cheer , IN THE CHILI COSTUME . Although we were plenty loud with the two of us , CNH , and Rocky Mountain , the Southwest could be better represented with some Arizona and New Mexico spirit ! I hope we have much more attendees this 2014 year at Nashville , Tennessee , music & BBQ town ! Later , we bonded with our Subregion A + counterparts at our Subregion Awards dinner . And we elected our new International President , Daniel Tsang , International Vice President , Amelia Ahnert , and our new Subregion B Trustee , David Limjoco ! Last , I would like to congratulate our Immediate Past District Bulletin Editor , Elissia Torres , for earning the Distinguished Editor award !
I hope to see you all in Nashville , Tennessee next year ! -Andrew Lee
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