The Official Newsletter of the Southwest CKI District
Southwest District CKI –
Volume 2 Issue 4 July 2013
In this issue !
Service Day ................... 2
I know it says Key Club on this header – but the message is quite applicable . You are guaranteed to save at least one life and most likely more for $ 1.80 . At the Southwest District Kiwanis District Convention – we need your help with cheering on our Kiwanians as they walk a while to save a Baby ’ s Smile . They will be led by the Millennium High School Band . I look forward to seeing you at the Wigwam Resort in Litchfield , Arizona – July 26th and 27th , 2013 .
I wish to take this time to thank all of you . Witnessing your efforts , your energy and your belief in the mission of Kiwanis “ Serving the Children of the World ,” provided the incentive for me to accept an appointment by our Kiwanis International President Tom DeJulio . As a result , at the 98th Annual Kiwanis International Convention in Vancouver , B . C ., Canada , the Executive Board approved my appointment . On October 1st , 2013 , I will begin my 3 year term as Kiwanis International Trustee on the Kiwanis International Foundation Board . This appointment will keep me close to the World Wide Eliminate MNT Project . It also provides an opportunity for the Southwest District to have a presence at the International Level .
Our most recent past Kiwanis International Trustees Tim Young and Jim Jennings ( SWD Key Club Administrator ) have set the bar . I accept this challenge with the support of our Service Leadership Programs , especially CKI , and our Kiwanians , I believe it will be achievable . Once again , I thank you and promise to serve you honorably , dedicating all of my energy to ensure the future of Kiwanis International as we continue to “ serve the children of the world .” Ron Smith
EMNT Update ............... 3 Icon Recap .................... 4 Member Spotlight ........ 4 LSSP Recap ................... 5 Lt . G Updates ................ 6 ENMU ........................... 7 Treasurer Update ......... 8 Mail Chimp ................... 9
Calendar ......................... 10