The Southwest Sun April, 2013 | Page 7

University of Arizona

The University of Arizona Circle K International Club ’ s outstanding member for the month of March is Eddie MacKay . Eddie is a new member to the club this year and from the very beginning , he has shown his passion for serving others , has made a positive influence on other club members , and has stepped up the plate as a leader . Recently , Eddie has volunteered for the club ’ s bake sale fundraiser , the Beads of Courage “ Dance Marathon ,” and the U of A ’ s “ Cats in the Community ” project ( his involvement in this event is even more spectacular because even though he could not find a ride to the event , he RAN to the event ). Eddie goes above and beyond in his involvement with the club and the greater community . Without a doubt , Eddie is a well-rounded person who continually represents CKI ’ s club tenants , and we are happy to acknowledge Eddie as an outstanding member of our club ! Club Update and Quick Glance at Plans for Next Year :
Recently , the University of Arizona Circle K International Club has been very active in serving our community . At the beginning of this month , a group of our members volunteered at the Tucson Community Food Bank where we put together supplemental meal packages for families in need of the basic necessity many take for granted . This event always serves as a positive experience for our club . In addition , our club held a bake sale fundraiser at the university as well as participated in the “ Dance Marathon ” to raise money for Beads of Courage , an organization providing tangible signs of hope and accomplishment in the form of beads to children suffering from chronic illness . We will close up the month with volunteering at The Kiwanis Relays and a club social to acknowledge everyone ’ s effort throughout the year .
With a new officer board fresh and ready for next year , plans are underway for the club next year . Among the greatest ideas we would like to pursue is creating CKI “ families .” A CKI family will be a group of club members and an officer that will try to go to events as a family and bond as a team . As a club , it is important that every member grows in relationship with one another , and with CKI families , we hope that everyone in the club will become closer . Another idea for next year is to cooperate with local Key Clubs and Builder ’ s Clubs in working on team-building service projects , hopefully encouraging younger Kiwanis members to continue their journey with CKI in college as well as increase our involvement with the community . Our officer board is excited for making these changes and looks forward to another great year in service , leadership , and fellowship .
-Lauren Vigil