The Southwest Sun April, 2013 | Page 6

Kachina Lieutenant Governor
Baja Lieutenant Governor

Member Shout Out :

Have something to say about CKI ? Have you answered a question on the Southwest Sun Facebook page ? This is your shout out area ! To submit something to the Member Shout Out section please post or send a message to the Southwest Sun ’ s Facebook page !

Meet the Arizona Lieutenant Governors :

Kachina Lieutenant Governor

Perla De Los Angeles
Northern Arizona University psdla . cki @ gmail . com About me : My name is Perla De Los Angeles ( Yes , that ’ s really my last name . No , I ’ m not from Los Angeles ). I was born and raised in Surprise , Az ., where I first became involved in the Kiwanis family , first through Builder ’ s Club and later Key Club . I am currently attending Northern Arizona University majoring in biomedical science with a minor in nutrition science . This year I will be serving as Lt . Governor for the Kachina Division . I ’ m looking forward to a great year of service ! Perla De Los Angeles P . S . Antarctica is for penguins .
“ You cannot do a kindness too soon , for you never know how soon it will be too late .” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Baja Lieutenant Governor

Miles Glick
University of Arizona Email : mglick . bajaltg1314 @ gmail . com About me : Hello Mighty Southwest District ! My name is Miles Glick and I am serving as your Baja Division Lieutenant Governor for the 2013-2014 service-administrative year . The Kiwanis Family has always held a significant place in my heart and 2014 will mark my fourteenth year as a part of this wonderful organization . On top of volunteering with Circle K , I am passionate about playing and watching sports , especially tennis and snowboarding , traveling , hiking , listening to music , and spending time with my family and friends . I am from Southern California in a small city called Camarillo and I am a first year going into my second year student at the University of Arizona where I am double majoring in Business Management and Global Studies with a concentration in Global Political Economy and Development with a Minor in Spanish .
" Do not go where the path may lead , go instead where there is no path and leave a trail ."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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