Zia Lieutenant Governor
Rio Grande Lieutenant Governor
Meet the New Mexico Lieutenant Governors
Zia Lieutenant Governor
Katie Merrill
Eastern New Mexico State Email : katherine . merrill @ enmu . edu About me : Hello Mighty Southwest ! This is Katie , the Zia division Lt . Governor . I am so excited to start this new year and to grow in service and leadership with all of you . I am passionate about service and will be here to answer any questions you all may have along the way . I attend Eastern New Mexico University as a Music Education Major . A few facts you may not know : I love animals and my best friend is my kitty , Mella , I have been in the Kiwanis family for 10 years , and I am 100 % and completely in love with Jason Mraz . I cannot wait to get to know all of you better and I am so excited for the year . Good luck with then end of your semester and have a great summer !
“ Another year is fast approaching . Go be that starving artist you ’ re afraid to be . Open up that journal and get poetic finally . Volunteer . Suck it up and travel . You were not born here to work and pay taxes . You were put here to be part of a vast organism to explore and create . Stop putting it off . The world has much more to offer than what ’ s on 15 televisions at TGI Fridays . Take pictures . Scare people . Shake up the scene . Be the change you want to see in the world .” ― Jason Mraz
Rio Grande Lieutenant Governor
Serina Pack
Western New Mexico University
Email : SerinaPack @ gmail . com About me : I believe we each can make a positive difference every day . I believe CKI is one way to make a notable difference in the world and I am proud to me a member . I am extremely passionate about promoting reading literacy to elementary children that is why I was compelled to apply and then honored to receive the CKI Tomorrow Fund grant . This month is a busy month implementing a reading and art literacy program in all the 4th grade classrooms in my school district with the help of youth mentors from Kiwanis SLPs . This work will culminated with art shows featuring children ' s art created out of reading workshops on Global Youth Service Day the last weekend of April . Other interests I have involve paint horses , art , reading / writing and , of course , service everyday . In addition to my interest in CKI , I am a Senator at WNMU , Honor ' s Club President , member of American Legion Auxiliary , Rainbow Girls , and BPA . I am feel very strongly about patriotism and honoring our military and veterans .
" Be the change you want to see in the world ." - Gandhi “ If you judge people , you have no time to love them ." - Mother Teresa