The Southwest Sun April, 2013 | Page 4

District Secretary :
District Bulletin Editor
District Treasurer

Meet the Board :



Member Spotlight

Every month we will recognize ( a ) member ( s ) who have gone above and beyond in their Leadership , Fellowship , and Service skills throughout the District . This month we would like to recognize :
Johnny Jorquez
Eddie MacKay
Nicole Martinez
Thank you for your dedication to making our community a better

District Secretary :

Alex Martinez
Arizona State University Email : amartinez . swcki @ gmail . com

District Bulletin Editor

Kelsae Pederson
University of New Mexico Email : southwestsuncki @ gmail . com About me : I am a senior at UNM majoring in History . I work at the Pool on campus as a Lifeguard and Swim Instructor . My favorite CKI moment so far has been going to New Orleans and working with Habitat for Humanity . It was an amazing feeling leaving NOLA , knowing that I had helped a family have a place to call home again . I ’ m looking forward to more moments like this as I continue my service in CKI !

District Treasurer

Kevin Wright
Northern Arizona University Email : About me : Even though I didn ’ t think I was going to be serving on the District Board , I am so excited to serves as your District Treasurer . I attend NAU and am currently studying a degree in Business Communications with emphasis in Information Systems with a minor in Sociology . I am your Immediate Past Lieutenant Governor of the Arizona Division and Dcon Chair . I will also be serving as your District Laws and Regulations Chair ! This is my Senior year and I plan to make the absolute best of it , especially with CKI ! I truly love what this organization has done for me from when I was just a member my freshman year to now serving on the District Board for a second time . After I graduate I will be going off to Graduate School to pursue a Master ’ s Degree in Student Affairs and Higher Education along with seeking membership to become a Kiwanian . As time progresses , I want to make sure everyone is aware of the fact that I am here to be a resource for your individual clubs in our district . I am always her to help because I simply live to serve and love to serve !
“ Be humble for you are made of earth . Be noble for you are made of stars .” -Unknown
“ Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot , nothing is going to get better . It ' s not .” – Dr . Seuss
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