The Official Newsletter of the Southwest CKI District
Hello , Southwest District of CKI !
My name is Andrew Lee and I am your 2013-2014 District Governor ! First , please let me say how excited I am to serve and help all of you in your various service projects , fundraisers , and other endeavors . I look forward to meeting each of you and plan to visit each of your clubs throughout the year !
My biggest goal is to strengthen our existing clubs , in numbers and the amount of service we perform ! One way I plan to do this is by organizing an Executive Board training retreat for the newly elected , 2013-2014 boards , as well as the 2012-2013 board , in order to facilitate the transition between leaders . In this program , I plan to focus on specific , job-related aspects that will truly be effective for the new year , rather than arbitrary leadership skills . This program is projected to happen this May , so please be aware of future announcements .
Last , here are a few facts about me ! I attend Barrett , the Honors College at Arizona State University , and am studying Aerospace Engineering . I received my Eagle Scout award in February 2012 and am still somewhat active as an adult leader in Boy Scouts . I do saber fencing , acrylic and oil painting , guitar ( electric and acoustic , I can sing a little , too ), ukulele , and I play videogames on my PS3 ( mostly Nazi Zombies ). I like to listen to “ screamo ” music as well as Matchbox Twenty . I am Chinese and can speak Cantonese as well as a little Spanish ( AP Spanish 4 and I visited Madrid ). Last , one of my favorite foods is spam musubi ( it ’ s Hawaiian ).
Again , I am very excited for the 2013- 2014 year and to work with the 2013-2014 SWD Executive Board , which consists of : Alex Martinez ( Secretary ), Kevin Wright ( Treasurer ), Kelsae Pederson ( Bulletin Editor ), Miles Glick ( Baja Lt . Gov ), Perla de los Angeles ( Kachina Lt . Gov ), Serina Pack ( Rio Grande Lt . Gov ), and Katie Merrill ( Zia / Northern New Mexico Lt . Gov ). If you have any questions , concerns , comments , or just want to chat , do not hesitate to contact me . Let ’ s make the most of this year !
Yours in service , leadership , and fellowship ,
Andrew Lee 2013-2014 CKI Southwest District Governor Barrett , the Honors College at Arizona State University ' 16 ( 602 ) 828-9218 alee . cki @ gmail . com
Do Your Best !
Volume 2 Issue 1 April 2013
In this issue !
Icon / Lssp ...................... 2 Governor Welcome ...... 3 Meet the board ............ 4 Member Spotlight ........ 4 Meet the NM Lt . gs ....... 5 Member Shout Out ...... 5 Meet the Az Lt . Gs ........ 6 UofA ............................. 7 Meet the Admin ........... 8 UNM ............................. 9
NAU ............................. 10 Western ...................... 11
Calendar .................... 12
“ Kindness in words creates confidence . Kindness in thinking creates profoundness . Kindness in giving creates love .”
– Lao Tzu