The Script 65 | Page 7

Hawkeyes Trivia

Every year during rush week, Alpha Sigma troops over to a local sports bar to participate in trivia night. There are no seating arrangements other than piling

everyone into one room and sitting at the first available table. We order food and drinks and talk to the person next to us regardless of whether we have been friends for years or are just meeting for the first time. One of Alpha Sigma’s greatest talents is making people feel included, so if a potential pledge shows up not knowing a single person, he or she will leave with at least a handful of new friends. Our chapter is made up of so many personalities with unique passions that a future brother can always find another bird of a feather. Trivia is a great way to pull out individual interests because the questions spark conversation and effortlessly suggest topics for brothers to talk about. Whether you happen to know the history of Berlin, how best to grow tomatoes, or Justin Timberlake’s favorite color, there is a chance to show off that knowledge and find someone else who is equally excited about it. If you’re lucky, you might just find a new partner to sing “Sexy Back” with at karaoke night.

- Sarah Trumbore, AE 1485

This year we hosted a new rush event called “Froyo for a Cause”. For this event, we organized a fundraiser with a local frozen yogurt shop just a few blocks from campus. We arranged that for one afternoon, a portion of the proceeds would be given to PDC to donate to St. Jude. Potential pledges and active members were all encouraged to attend and we had an awesome turnout! The event was dually beneficial in not only providing a casual and convenient meet and greet amongst active members and rushees, but also helped us raise some extra money for our charity. I was happy to see so many active members participate and since people were continually coming and going it seemed to be a very low pressure event for the pledges who all looked very comfortable chatting with the actives. It was a simple event but was really successful in helping us get to know and meet potential pledges and enjoy some tasty frozen yogurt at the same time. It was also a good opportunity to introduce the potential pledges to our work with St. Jude early on and was an easy conversation starter too. We received only positive feedback on this event and I really hope it is something we continue to do each year.

- Chelsea Lopez, AE 1452

St. Jude Froyo For a Cause