The Script 65 | Page 6

Headquarters Arcade

Early on in the Fall semester active brothers and pledges-to-be gathered at the College of Pharmacy and headed over to Headquarters Beercade in River north for games, beers, and good times. This was one of a series of rush season events hosted by the brothers of alpha sigma in order for the bros and future bros to mingle and get to know each other before the semester got too burdensome. Highlights of the night included: forming new friendships and destroying existing ones though the magic of arcade games, experiencing the unparalleled hospitality of Brother Mark Jao, and discovering the hard way which of the house beers of the month were as good as they sounded and which ones tasted more like hot garbage. Fortunately, Headquarters had a good selection of quality brews to go along with their classic arcade games. After headquarters many bros and pledges headed back to Little Italy for tacos and Italian ice at Mario’s before they closed for the winter. Headquarters night ended up being a great bonding experience that will not be soon forgotten by those who attended. Props to Brittany, Magellan, and the rest of the pledge committee for planning and pulling off this and many other highly successful events during the rush season.

- Sean Bierne, AE 1413

Movie in the Garden

The Movie in the Garden was an awesome addition to rush week this year for Alpha Sigma. A blow-up big screen TV was rented to watch the movie Space Jam. The pledge parents provided snacks for everyone and there was a great turnout of both brothers and pledges! The night that the event was held on was a beautiful fall evening, and it was great to take our minds off of school for the night and spend some quality time with our brothers. It was a very laid back event, and everyone was encouraged to walk around and chat with each other. It was a great way to meet the pledges without any pressure. After chatting for a while and enjoying some snacks, people set up blankets and hammocks and settled in for the movie. Overall, it was an awesome event and it had a great turnout. I’m hoping that it becomes a permanent fixture in the rush week schedule!

- Hannah Hovey, AE 1454