The Script 65 | Page 5

Organization Day

Org day is an event at the beginning of the fall semester where all the various pharmacy school organizations gather in rooms to spark interest and recruit prospective members. PDC has a big involvement in org day. Current brothers all wear their letter shirts and line up down the hall where the new P1s exit their class to welcome them to the school and new environment with high energy. Afterwards, the current brothers all participate in the org day room by talking with the new P1s about what PDC is about, their experiences with brotherhood, the benefits of being part of a fraternity in pharmacy school, and upcoming events for the P1s to get to meet the brothers and get a better feel for PDC. This event is beneficial because it allows brothers to branch out and pique the interest of potential members, as well as allowing us to reconnect with one another during the event.

- Michael Jones, AE 1466

BBQ in Arrigo Park

The BBQ in Arrigo Park is an annual rush event open to everyone at the COP filled with food, friends, and fun. For some of us, it was our first time meeting one another which was really exciting, especially since school had just recently started. The events at the beginning of the semester always come with a lot of hype. The day consisted of eating burgers and hot dogs, playing bags, volleyball, and soccer, laying in hammocks, playing music, and getting to bond with the potential pledges of Phi Delta Chi. It was such a great time for socializing and enjoying each other’s company while eating delicious food. This event had a great turnout and kick started rushing season on such a high note. The BBQ was beneficial because we got to know the pledges on a more personal level, while the pledges could get a glimpse of what it’s like to be a part of the Brotherhood. We were able to discuss what Phi Delta Chi meant to us, and explain why we chose to join the fraternity. With lots of Phi Delta Chi pride in the air, the event went on into the night, and left us excited for what was to come: a semester full of bonding and Brotherhood.

- Diana Chung, AE 1416
