The Script 65 | Page 4

rising stars

BeginningTheir Journey

A new school year begins, and the bookmarks of our journeys turn a new page. New students begin their journey at University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Pharamcy. Our Brothers welcome new advernturers with open arms:

The Phi Delta Chi – Alpha Sigma rush this year as per tradition was a very meaningful and exciting time for our chapter. There was a variety of events bound to suit every interest scattered throughout the UIC campus and our hometown of Chicago. The classics such as our Annual PDC BBQ and trivia night were now joined by new, fun, and exciting events such as a frozen yogurt fundraiser for St. Jude’s and an outdoor movie night in the garden. These events were hosted by our brothers for the incoming P1 class and in true Alpha Sigma fashion we united to show them what we are made of. Not only did we all share how Phi Delta Chi has impacted our lives and the lifelong friendships that we have made by being a part of this organization but also our principles, ideals, and what we stand for was on display for all to see. Our own unique flavor of ‘Alpha Sigma fraternal spirit’ amongst our brothers inspired those individuals that were dedicated to fostering lifelong friendships, empowering leadership within themselves and others, and advancing the science of pharmacy to pledge Phi Delta Chi.

- 2016-2017 Pledge Parents

Brittany Brozek, AE 1460

Magellan Yadao, AE 1454