The Science Of Money The Science Of Money | Page 21

Money 9
Gnani Purush is never under any illusion . He says it as it is , and says it as it happened . I was sitting at Surat station and it happened . The billionaire says , I made millions and I have had three wives . All these you have brought forth with you from your past life . This is nothing but just a belief in your mind that , ‘ I am doing all this ’. This is egoism . What does this egoism do ? It plans for your next life , without your knowledge . Thus man creates life after life . He never comes to a life where there is no new life created . If planning stops then liberation is at hand .
There is no being in this world , which does not seek happiness . Everyone seeks eternal bliss , the kind that never leaves . His understanding and belief is that money will bring happiness . But then , the problems and inner turmoil come with it . Eternal bliss and inner turmoil are enemies . They can never exist together . Money is not at fault here . He is the one who is at fault .
All things of this world will one day become unpleasant and unwelcome . The Soul is your own Self . There is no suffering here . The worldly existence is such that a time arrives when even money becomes burdensome . One worries about how to store and distribute it .
So in life there is suffering . Suffering with money , suffering without money , suffering as a pauper , suffering as a prime minister , suffering as widow , suffering as a wife , suffering even as a mistress , suffering , suffering , suffering . Why are all these big businessmen of Ahmedabad suffering ? What is the cause ?
Questioner : They are discontent and unhappy .
Dadashri : There never was any happiness in this work of theirs . Where is the happiness ? This is the illusion . It is like a drunken man lying on the street with a hand in the cold