The Science Of Money The Science Of Money | Page 20
realize the Self? I know how money comes. If the authority to
make money were in one’s own hands, then one would even
fight for it. But that is not the case and so no matter what you
do, you will not accomplish anything. A person once asked me
about the nature of money. I told him that money is like sleep.
Some people fall asleep the moment they lie down; some toss
and turn the whole nightlong and still cannot fall asleep, while
some need to take sleeping pills. So money is not under your
authority. It is under the authority of some other power, so what
is the point in worrying about it and running after it?
Therefore, I tell you that money will not come to you if
you go through extreme struggles to acquire it. It simply happens.
You are merely an instrument, one of the many evidences when
it comes to you. You are merely one of the evidences when you
go and return from the court (talking to a lawyer disciple), so
is the speech of yours in the trial. All this is not worth paying
too much attention to. What is needed happens with the right
amount of attention by itself. If you gain this understanding you
will be free from all tension.
Currently you have the firm conviction that without you
the case in the court will not proceed. This is not so.
When a whole lot of evidences come together, money
comes. If you ask a doctor whose father is in the final stages
of life in the hospital to do an operation to make him live longer,
he will not be able to do so. So this is not under anyone’s
control. The evidences have come together for the old man to
leave this world. I became a Gnani because of scientific
circumstantial evidences. And all these billionaires do not become
so because of their efforts. They however do believe that it is
because of their independent effort and hard work that they are
billionaires. ‘I became’ is the illusion. ‘It happened’ is knowledge.