The Science Of Money The Science Of Money | Page 19

Money 7 such pure money?’ Yes, they did. Their money accumulated naturally. They did not have to accumulate it whereas people today are struggling to accumulate it. The pure money of the past came in naturally, even when they begged the Lord for it not to come. Even when they said they wanted spiritual wealth not material wealth, the money would still flow in their direction. That is the merit karma, which brings pure money. I never liked this worldly life. Let me tell you about myself. Nothing in this worldly life interested me. If someone gave me money, I found it burdensome, even when the money was mine. I felt a burden when I took my salary, and a burden in taking it home. Before this Gnan (Self-realization), I found everything bothersome. Questioner : We are so involved in making money in our business that we are not able to turn away from it and we are constantly preoccupied with it. Dadashri : And even then you are not satisfied. You feel you want to make one million and when you reach that goal, you want to make two, then you think you will stop at five. This does not end. Even I would have made a decision to make a million. Then I came to the conclusion that life does not give you an extension. If we were given a thousand years instead of a hundred to live, this decision may work. There is no surety of anything in life. There are two types of authorities: One is an independent authority and the other is dependent authority. It is your independent authority to become a God. To make money is not under your authority. So which is better, to make money or to