The Science Of Money The Science Of Money | Page 22
contents of a gutter. He is under the inebriation and false belief
of happiness. When the effect of the alcohol wears off he will
feel the pain. This is all nothing but a gutter.
There is no happiness in the worldly life whatsoever.
There can never be happiness in it at all because if there were,
then the city of Bombay would not be the way it is today. There
is no happiness at all. It is all an illusion of happiness and it is
only a temporary adjustment.
There is no need to carry a burden over money. When
the bank balance grows he breathes a sigh of satisfaction and
when there is a deficit he becomes sad and unhappy. There is
nothing in this world worth breathing a sigh of satisfaction,
because everything is temporary.
What makes people suffer? A man once came to me and
said, ‘I have no money in the bank. I am completely broke and
bankrupt’. I asked him, ‘How much debt did you have?’ He
told me he did not have any debt. That is not bankruptcy! He
had a few thousand rupees in the bank. Then I asked him, ‘ Do
you have a wife?’ He answered ‘I can’t sell my wife’. I told
him, ‘ No you can’t, but you have two eyes. Would you like
to sell them for two hundred thousand rupees?’ Your eyes, your
hands, your feet, your brain; all this is your wealth. Don’t
disregard this wealth of yours. Even without a penny in the bank
you are a billionaire. Try and sell each of these assets of yours.
You will not sell your two hands. This is your endless wealth.
Consider all this as your wealth and be content. Money may
come or not. It does not matter whether a person has money
or not as long as he gets food to eat.
Questioner : What should we do when times are tough
and there is no money coming in?