The Science Of Money The Science Of Money | Page 15

Money 3
Wherever they go , they are welcomed with a lot of respect . This is how they grow up , whereas other people do nothing but struggle . What does this mean ? When a person ’ s merit karma runs out , he is back to where he started . If you do not have the credit of merit karma , then even if you were to go around begging all night , are you likely to get even fifty rupees by the morning ? So do not live life struggling helplessly . Be content with what you have .
Your worldly life is the result of no effort . It is totally an outcome of karma of your past life , for which no effort is required . So enjoy it , but know how to enjoy it . Even the Lord concedes that when the basic necessities in life are missing , then it is natural for one to experience suffering . True suffering is , not having any air to breathe , or food to eat . These are the basic necessities in life – without which the body cannot survive . Nowadays people have so many different things available to them and yet they do not enjoy them . They are involved in something else . They do not enjoy what is in front of them . When a wealthy businessman sits to dine , instead of enjoying his meal , he is preoccupied with his business . The fool ! He does not even know what he eats . Everything is like this .
This world is a mixture of people who enjoy themselves and those who work very hard . It has a mixture of everything . Those who work very hard have the ego ‘ I am doing it all ’. Those who enjoy themselves have the ego , ‘ I am enjoying all this ’. The one who works hard enjoys the pleasure of doer ship .
A wealthy man once pleaded with me saying , ‘ Please say something to my son . He does not want to do any work . All he does is enjoys himself and has a good time every day .’ I explained to the father , ‘ It is not worth saying anything . He is