The Science Of Money The Science Of Money | Page 14

2 Money Questioner : Both. Dadashri : If money can be earned through hard work, then these laborers would have lot of money because they work the hardest of all, don’t they? And if money could be earned through the intellect, then there are extremely well educated people out there and yet their shoes are all worn out! Earning money is never from the use of the intellect nor is it the fruits of hard labor. It is the reward of one’s merit karmas from one’s past life. So if you want money, you have to be cautious where merit and demerit karmas are concerned. Money goes to those with merit karma, whereas hard working people run after money. So from this you should realize that money would only come your way if you have the merit karmas. Hard work will earn you some food and you may have some surplus to get your daughter married, but without merit karma, money will not come your way. So reality says that if you are a person with a lot of merit karmas, why must you struggle? And if you are not, then why are you struggling? What you are destined to earn in this life cannot be changed. What is life like for a person with a lot of merit karmas? Let me tell you what even these CEOs have to put up with. How do their wives greet them when they come home after a hard day’s work at the office? ‘Where have you been, you are two hours late?’ Just look at this ‘fortunate’ (!) ones. Should someone with a lot of merit karma have to put up with this? In reality a truly fortunate one, who has earned a lot of merit karma from last life, does not have to face anything negative in his life. Such people belong to a different breed. From their very youth, they never experience any insults or tough times.