The Science Of Money The Science Of Money | Page 13

MONEY The World of Money According To Gnani Purush Dadashri [1] Comings And Goings of Laxmiji - the Goddess of wealth (money) The world considers money and wealth as one of the most important thing in life. People have more love for money because it is needed in everything they do. Love for God cannot exist as long as there is love for money. Love towards money will disappear when a person develops love for God. There can only be love for either Laxmi (Money) or Narayan (God). Love whichever one you want. Laxmi will disappoint you through betrayal. There is a saying “Mandave te randave” – ‘That which is built will also be destroyed!’ And Narayan, never builds nor destroys. He keeps you happy all the time. He keeps you in a state of liberation. You will have to understand all this, won’t you? How long can you continue with this feebleness of yours? And yet you don’t like anxiety. This human life is meant for liberation from anxieties; it is not just for making money. How does a person earn money? Is it through his intellect or his hard work?